oh dear… it’s been a while (ro+en)
Stiu, sunt un bloger de tot rasul… Scriu din ce in ce mai rar si mai putin… Noroc de Ina ca imi mai aduce aminte. Dar azi am avut o zi destul de buna asa ca merita sa scriu.
Am inceput sa lucrez la proiectul pt metodologii, de fapt am inceput de mult la lucrez pt el si sa strang date, dar abi azi m-am apucat propriu-zis sa scriu. Si ghiciti ce: am stat cam 2 ore si am scris 3 pagini, din care una e pagina de titlu. Dar nu am de gand sa ma descurajez. I-am zis profului ca o sa fie uimit saptamana viitoare cand o sa-i arat ce am facut si sunt hotarata sa ii demonstrez ca asa e. Sper doar sa nu fie uimit de cat de putin am lucrat.
Am stat mult sa deliberez daca sa fac despre BC sau despre firma pe care mi-o recomandase proful, dar pana la urma am ales BC. E mult mai greu, nu se potriveste 100% cu ce am de facut si probabil ca nu o sa iau o nota pe atat de mare cat as fi luat daca as fi facut cu firma cealalta (la care prima parte as fi avut-o gata facuta). Dar nu-mi pare rau. O sa fac exact dupa scopul initial al acestei teme. O sa analizez o organizatie pe care o cunosc si imi va face si placere sa lucrez la asta. Sper sa iasa ceva bun pana la urma.
Ca tot veni vorba de BC am fost azi dupa o pauza de 2 saptamani. And from this point on I’m going to try to write in English. I apologise for the posible mistakes or if the writing won’t be too smoth. I intend to improve my English, or re-improve it if I may say so, because I feel it’s getting worse and worse since I don’t have enough opportunities to practice it.
This is one of the reasons why from now on all about BC will be in English and eventually I’d like to start to write all of my posts in English. Another reason is that overall most of things going on there happen in English so it’s pretty normal to speak about them in English. And last, but not least, suposing (being optimistic ) that someone from BC would one day come to visit this blog I would like them to be able to read it.
What was I saying? Oh yes… first day at BC after a 2 weeks holiday. I realized I really missed those guys. Both the small, crazy, awful, sweet, nerve wracking kids, but also the grown ups. The problem is that I’ll have to make a difficult decision: weather I should continue as a TA for the next term or finish the internship on the end of this one (27 April).
I got so used of going there and so attached that I can hardly imagine it coming to an end.
On the other hand the next month comes with lots of exams and deadlines for projects at faculty so I don’t know how am I going to find the time to continue with this internship. And after that the holidays come… probably not spending too much of it in Bucharest. So everything indicates that as much as I would like it I won’t be able to continue. But… I just don’t want this experience to come to an end.
Any sugestions? Ideas? Time machines that would help me to be in 2 places at the same time? I could really use some help…
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